What is this site?

Diddydonation.com is specifically for really small donations (one penny, ) that you give to a webpage if you find it interesting, useful or fun.

What is the point of such a small donation?

  • We believe it’s more likely for 1000 people to donate 1p than it is for 1 person to donate 10 pounds, if the donation system is good enough.
  • It’s a great way to show your support for a website – Put your money where your mouth is!
  • It’s not just about the money – If a author has recieved 500 1p pledges they will be encourgaged to continue what they are doing. Vote of confidence and all that.
  • Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Websites can benefit from a tiny trickle of small donations because they all add up.
  • A 1p donation is such a small commitment that you don’t need to justify it to yourself – just do it!

Why should I use diddydonation.com?

  • Free service – no fees. We don’t take a slice of the pie. We don’t make a profit, not even 1p.
  • No commitment – You’re never committed to pay, unless you want to. Donations are IOUs rather than confirmed, i.e you can pledge a whole bunch of donations throughout the year then, if the time is right, you can put your money where your mouth is.
  • You can pledge to any webpage, you don’t have to wait for the webpage to set up a donations box. Note: until they have given details on how to get funds to their bank, your dontations can only be IOUs.

What does it mean when it says “amount too low” at the Checkout

In order to make a real monetary donation to a webpage we need the total donation amount by everyone that used Diddydonation.com to reach a non-loss sum.
The current non-loss sum is £10 which is the amount we deem worth the effort of making the transaction and where bank/paypal fees doesn’t have too large a impact.
Until this sum has been reached by the community, the checkout will say “amount too low“.

How do I give a larger donation?

There are plenty of other donations websites that accept normal donations: